Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How is this being made?

Every few years a movie comes along that pushes the boundary of not only blood and gore, but what is decent.  Several years ago it was 'Hostel'.  Then last year came a movie that made 'Hostel' look like 'Winnie The Poo'.  This movie is 'The Human Centipede'.  For anyone who hasn't seen the movie... don't.  It is the most horrible idea ever put into film.  I personally love gory movies and violence, but everything about this movie made me want to vomit.  (For people who never even saw the previews for the first, a crazy scientist killer sows people together to make one single digestive system out of three people)
What is worst than seeing the movie is that it somehow got 48% on Rotten Tomatoes.  That's better than Prince of Persia, Clash of the Titans and Robin Hood.  It's a bit worrisome that movies based on gross out scares are being rated higher than million dollar Hollywood Blockbusters.  I don't know if I should be bitching about RottenTomatos rating system or the critics they're using.  But that's still not why I'm whining in this post. 
Apparently enough people saw this and enough people enjoyed it that they are going to make a second Human Centipede.  Yes folks...  there was not enough ass to mouth digestion in the first film so people are demanding a second.  Maybe I missed some major plot points in the first or some directorial genius passed over me.  However, I've decided to write this post to ask you all one simple question:   WHY IS THIS MOVIE BEING MADE?  If anyone has any answers please let me know.

A talk about 'The Town' with a 'Townie'

So Meaghan...  in what capacity do you work with film?

I work in production management in reality television.  Basically I organize shoots, tell people where and when they need to be places and then take all the blame when something goes wrong.

How long have you been doing this?

About a year now.  I started as a PA (production assistent/slave) several years ago and have slowly worked my way up.

So would you say you know a good deal about what goes into the production of a film?

Yes.  I've worked for a number of production houses and different projects.  I wouldn't claim to be an expert on everything, but in my position you need to know how these things work. 

Ben Affleck directed, acted in and wrote 'The Town'.  How do you feel about his previous work?

Personally I really enjoy his work.  Good Will Hunting is obviously an all-time great.  I think as a writer he's very under appreciated.  Also I wasn't aware he directed Gone Baby Gone until recently. 

Do you feel the same way about 'Gigli', the movie some have voted as worst movie of the decade?

How did I know you were going to set me up for that?  Haha.  No that was undoubably his worst career move.  He can be such a good actor at times it's hard to see what went on there.  Someone must have given him horrible advice.

How did you feel about 'The Town'?

I loved it.  It was very well done and an accurate depiction of friends who can be overly loyal.  I'm kind of skiddish so I found it a little violent for me at the end, but overall it was great.  Also Ben Affleck looked hotter than he has in years.

Being from Boston, do you think the movie was an authentic representation of Charlestown?

Yes I'd say they nailed that aspect of the movie.  The accents weren't over the top like they seem to be in some movies, like 'The Departed'.  I heard Affleck actually did around two weeks of interviews with former bank robbers from Charlestown to make sure it felt right.  The only part I thought was over the top was the clothing.  People from Boston don't wear Red Sox, Bruins, or Patriots jerseys all day every day.  That was a little much.

How do you feel about Ben Affleck effectively representing Boston in Hollywood?

If he keeps up the way he has been going then that would be great.  He's one of the few actors who stayed true to their hometown.  A lot of actors try to forget where they came from so we appreciate what he's doing for us.  Just don't make any movies about Boston with J-Lo, PLEASE.

Is robbing Fenway Park sacrilegious?

Is that even a question?  Of course it is.

Has anyone in Boston ever asked you to take a 'bank job'?

No. That has never been offered.  I didn't even know that Charlestown was the bank robbing capital of the world before I saw this. Haha.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inception Review

Ok so to start off....   WOW....   WTF did I just see?  I havn't had to think that much since High School Physics.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it.  Just wasn't expecting that rollercoaster ride when I went in. 

To anyone who hasn't seen Inception there are spoilers below so read at your own caution.  Inception more than delivered on it's promise as a mind bending experience.  If you put the somewhat ridiculous premise aside, it almost makes sense.  I think I know when he was dreaming and when he wasn't, but did I really?  Christopher Nolan (Momento, The Dark Knight) knew exactly what the audience was going to be thinking and purposely messed with our heads. 

The idea is that special agents...   will finish later

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh My God I Just Had a Heart Attack

BOSTON -- New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was in a two-car accident near his home at about 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning but was unhurt and attended practice later in the day at Gillette Stadium.
Brady arrived at the stadium Thursday morning and was involved in parts of meetings and a walk-through in addition to participating in the team's practice session as the Patriots prepare for Sunday's season opener against the Cincinnati Bengals.  - espn.go.com-

I almost threw up when I read the first sentence.  One year back from a massive overhaul on his left knee and Brady thinks it's ok to drive around rear ending people?  Why does he not have a limo driving him everywhere he goes to ensure his saftey?  We all know between him and his billion dollar model girlfriend that he can afford it.  Someone needs to sit him down tell him to cut the shit.

But seriously we love you Tom.

The Season Starts Today!

Finally...  After eight grueling months of football-less life, the NFL is finally ready to start today.  I finally have a reason to wake up in the morning and get dressed before 3 PM.  The season starts with a rematch of the NFC Championship game from last year.  Vikings vs Saints.  I think I speak for the majority of us when I say I hope Brett Favre gets injured and then we have a close fun game to watch.  If you are a Brett Favre fan you will hate any reference to him on my blog so you may want to leave.  As you may or may not know, I'm a huuuuuuuge Patriots fan and they start things off this Sunday against the Bengals.  Everyone has agreed that the Pat's offense should be fine. Brady is on his second year back from reconstructive knee surgery and some how the freak of a person Wes Welker is back from a blown out knee nine months later.  We've also added two play making tightends in Gronkowski and Hernandes.  But our defense, particularly are secondary,  looks weak.  Well what better team to test this against than the Bengals, whose big offseason acquisition was Terrel Owens.  Combine him with Chad Ochocinco on the opposite side and Carson Palmer distributing the rock and it could be the making of a potent offense (as long as T.O. doesn't bash Palmer on public radio or shoot a gun in the air for a touchdown celebration).  It should give our young secondary some good experience going against a crew of veteran receivers.