Every few years a movie comes along that pushes the boundary of not only blood and gore, but what is decent. Several years ago it was 'Hostel'. Then last year came a movie that made 'Hostel' look like 'Winnie The Poo'. This movie is 'The Human Centipede'. For anyone who hasn't seen the movie... don't. It is the most horrible idea ever put into film. I personally love gory movies and violence, but everything about this movie made me want to vomit. (For people who never even saw the previews for the first, a crazy scientist killer sows people together to make one single digestive system out of three people)
What is worst than seeing the movie is that it somehow got 48% on Rotten Tomatoes. That's better than Prince of Persia, Clash of the Titans and Robin Hood. It's a bit worrisome that movies based on gross out scares are being rated higher than million dollar Hollywood Blockbusters. I don't know if I should be bitching about RottenTomatos rating system or the critics they're using. But that's still not why I'm whining in this post.
Apparently enough people saw this and enough people enjoyed it that they are going to make a second Human Centipede. Yes folks... there was not enough ass to mouth digestion in the first film so people are demanding a second. Maybe I missed some major plot points in the first or some directorial genius passed over me. However, I've decided to write this post to ask you all one simple question: WHY IS THIS MOVIE BEING MADE? If anyone has any answers please let me know.
Hostel gave me nightmares for a week straight. I was never tempted to watch a tortureporn movie again.
ReplyDeleteHollywood- you can keep your "Saws", your "Hostels", and your "Human Centipedes" to yourself.
I'm going to go watch some Sponge Bob now.